Our diverse set of keynote speakers brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise to the International Funders Workshop: The Future of Research Software. Together, their keynotes will showcase the importance of sustainable research software has on research.
Towards Sustainable Research Software
Daniel S. Katz - is Chief Scientist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and Research Associate Professor in Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His interests include citation and credit mechanisms and practices associated with software and data, organization and community practices for collaboration, and career paths for computing researchers. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors, founding editor and current Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Open Source Software, co-founder and steering committee chair of the Research Software Alliance (ReSA), and co-founder and steering committee member of the US Research Software Engineer (US-RSE) Association.
Research Software Sustainability takes a Village
Carole Goble, CBE FREng FBCS, is a Professor of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK where she leads a team of researchers, research software engineers and data stewards. She has spent 25 years working on open, FAIR and reproducible science in a range of disciplines, mainly in biomedical sciences and biodiversity. She has led the development of many widely known open source, openly developed software platforms with many 10,000s of users. Together with the co-founder of the UK’s Software Sustainability Institute, she has led numerous national and European e-Infrastructure projects. She is Head of Node of ELIXIR-UK, the national node of the European Research Infrastructure for Life Sciences, directs digital infrastructure for the European Research Infrastructure for Industrial Biotechnology (IBISBA) and serves on the technical services leadership team for Health Data Research UK. She serves on the G7 Open Science Working Group and the EOSC-A Task Force for Semantic Interoperability.
How Can Funders Contribute to Sustainable Research Software
Fabio Kon is a Full Professor of Computer Science at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of São Paulo (IME-USP). He carries out research in the fields of Software Engineering, Smart Cities, Free and Open Source Software, and Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship. In 2013, he was Visiting Professor at the Technion, Israel, where he conducted research on Software Startup Ecosystems and Digital Entrepreneurship. In 2018-19, he was a Visiting Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, where he researched data science applied to Smart Cities.
Prof. Kon is highly involved in education and in promoting the best practices of software engineering, open-source software, and open science. He is a member of the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Adjunct Panel for Exact Sciences and Engineering.
Research Software, from Bleeding Edge to Community Sustained
Joeri van Leeuwen is Senior Astronomer at ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy. He investigates transient phenomena in the Universe, through the design, execution and interpretation of dedicated radio-astronomical supercomputing experiments. His goal is to understand, a bit better, the gargantuan densities and magnetic fields of neutron stars. He is the PI of Apertif, the wide-field high-speed radio cameras on the Westerbork Radio Telescope that are the largest data generator in The Netherlands. He leads CORTEX, a large Dutch academic-industrial consortium that makes self-learning machines faster. He is Editor for Astronomy & Computing, and an ERC Consolidator and an NWO Vici laureate. Also, winner of the triennial Willem de Graaff award for Outreach, from the Royal Netherlands Astronomical Society.
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